Dazzling purity!

A blissful feeling of lightness!

All this speaks for itself so clearly that it is hardly necessary to go into details.

The less the ethereal body, i.e., the cloak of the human spirit in the beyond, is burdened with some base propensity or with a desire for material things and pleasures, the less it will be attracted by them.

In this case the ethereal body, which is formed according to its volition, will be less dense and consequently less heavy.

Through its lightness it will all the more quickly be uplifted to the luminous regions which correspond to its lesser density.

The less dense, the freer and finer this ethereal body becomes when it is cleansed of base desires, the brighter and the more luminous it must appear; for then the core of spiritual substantiality within the human soul, which as such is radiant by nature, will more and more shine forth from within as the ethereal body grows ever more transparent; whereas in the lower regions this radiant core is hidden through the greater density and gravity of the ethereal body and thus remains darkened!

In the regions of Light every human soul will also meet other souls with ethereal bodies homogeneous to its own, those of a like nature.

As only that which is truly noble and of genuine goodwill is able to strive upwards free from all base desires, such a human soul will only encounter other souls of equal nobility.

It is also easy to understand that the dweller in such a region has no torments to suffer, but only delights in the blessing of the nobleness radiating there, sharing in the joy of others which it also arouses by its own deeds.

It can truly say that it is wandering in the fields of the blessed, where all is bliss.

Thus encouraged, its joy for all that is pure and sublime grows ever stronger, lifting it higher and higher!

Permeated by this intuitive feeling, its ethereal body will become ever finer and less dense, enabling the shining core of spiritual substance to break through ever more radiantly, and finally causing the last remnants of the ethereal body to fall away as if consumed by flames.

Then the human spirit, having attained a complete and conscious personality by reason of its perfect spiritual nature, can cross the border into the Realm of Spiritual Substantiality.

Only then does it enter the Eternal Kingdom of God the father, the everlasting Paradise!

Just as it is impossible for a painter to portray the torments of real life in the dark regions, so is it equally impossible for him to depict the rapture which life holds in the light regions, even if these regions still belong to the transient World of Ethereal Matter before the boundary to the Eternal Kingdom of God has been crossed!

Every painting and every attempt to portray this life in pictures would definitely mean belittling it, and therefore inevitably harm instead of benefit the soul of man!

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