ASTROLOGY IS CALLED the royal art, and not without reason.

Not that it is the most exalted of arts, nor reserved only for earthly monarchs; but whoever proved really capable of practicing it could take royal rank in the spiritual sense, since he would be able to guide the course of events in many respects!

However, there is not a single human being on earth to whom these abilities have been entrusted.

Hence all work in this field must remain only pitiable efforts, unreliable if seriously meant by the practitioner, and malicious if conceit and morbid imagination play a part in it instead of deep earnestness!

On the whole the calculation of star aspects alone can be of little value, for there must also be included with the stellar radiations the ground radiations of the earth prevalent at the time, as well as all the activity of the living substance of the Ethereal World, such as the world of thought-forms, karma, vibrations of the Darkness and of the Light in the World of Matter, and much else.

Now what human being can boast that he is able clearly and sharply to survey all this from the deepest depths to the highest heights of the World of Matter?

The radiations of the stars only form the paths and channels through which all the living ethereal substance can penetrate in a more concentrated form to the human soul in order to become effective there.

Figuratively speaking, one can say that the stars give the signal for the times when the returning reciprocal actions and other influences can, through the guidance of their radiations, flow to the human being in a more complete and concentrated form.

Unfavorable or hostile stellar radiations become united with evil vibrations floating in the Ethereal World in connection with a certain person; on the other hand favorable radiations will only unite with beneficial ethereal vibrations, all according to homogeneity.

Therefore such calculations are not in themselves entirely worthless.

But there is a definite condition that with unfavorable stellar radiations a person also receives unfavorable reciprocal actions, and with favorable radiations he will experience favorable reciprocal actions.

Otherwise there can be no manifestation!

In turn, however, the stellar radiations are not a mere illusion in themselves, ineffective when not linked with other powers, but they do have certain automatic effects which act to a certain extent as a check.

If in the Ethereal World there are nothing but bad reactions due to and working upon a person, their activity will, according to the type of radiation, be stopped, pushed back or at least strongly restrained on the days and during the hours when the stellar radiations are favorable.

Naturally also vice versa – when good reactions are at work, unfavorable radiations will intercept that which is favorable so long as such radiations are active.

Even when the channels of the stellar radiations become empty, due to the lack of homogeneous reactions, they still serve as a temporary check to other reactions that may be operating, so that they are never altogether without influence.

Thus unless the corresponding reactions are lying ready for the person in question, good radiations do not always bring benefit or evil radiations harm.

Astrologers cannot exclaim here: “There, you see, we are right after all!”

They are only right conditionally and in a very limited sense.

This does not justify their frequent presumptuous assertions and commercial self-praise.

The empty channels of the stellar radiations can indeed bring interceptions, but nothing else, neither good nor evil.

Again, it must be admitted that the temporary interception of evil reactions is to some extent beneficial!

For the one who is sorely harassed by evil it creates a breathing spell, which will enable him to gain strength for further endurance.

In addition these intercepting radiations should induce the human spirit to exert greater power, which will awaken and strengthen it.

The effort to overcome these interceptions will set the spirit more and more aglow.

In spite of everything the calculations of the astrologers could be welcomed if the perpetual boasting and advertising of so many of them were disregarded.

However, still other important factors come into it, making the calculations very unreliable, so that they actually do more harm than good to the public.

For instance, not only the few stars which are today at the disposal of astrologers for their calculations come into consideration.

There are countless other stars, not even known to astrologers, which play a great role in decreasing, strengthening, crossing or displacing the effects, so that the final picture of the calculations can often be exactly the opposite to what the best astrologer of today is capable of stating.

Finally there is still another decisive point – the greatest and most difficult of all – and that is the soul of each individual!

Only he who, in addition to all the other requirements, can assess each one of these souls, with all its abilities, characteristics and karmaic entanglements, as well as the aims for which it is striving; in short, judge to a nicety its real maturity or immaturity in the spiritual sense; only he could venture to make calculations!

If, owing to the condition of his soul, a human being is surrounded by many dark influences, nothing luminous or good can reach him, however favorable the stellar radiations may be.

If on the other hand the condition of a person’s soul permits only purity and light to surround him, then the most unfavorable stellar radiations will not be able to oppress him to the extent of seriously harming him, for in the end the circumstances must always become beneficial.

The Omnipotence and Wisdom of God are not as one-sided as the disciples of astrology imagine them to be in their calculations.

God does not make the fate of human beings, that is, their weal and woe, dependent only upon stellar radiations.

Of course they do have a powerful influence, not only for the individual, but in all world happenings.

Still they are only tools, the activity of which is not only bound up with many other influences, but the possible manifestations of which also remain dependent upon them.

Even if some astrologers imagine that they work intuitively, by impulse or inspiration, this cannot deepen their insight sufficiently to warrant greater confidence in the correctness of their calculations.

These remain one-sided piecework, inadequate, and with many gaps – in short, imperfect!

They create disquiet among men, and disquiet is the soul’s most dangerous enemy, for it breaks down the soul’s natural defense’s and often lets in evil which would otherwise have found no entrance.

Many people feel uneasy when they tell themselves that they are at the moment under the influence of evil radiations; often, however, they become over-confident and unwise when convinced that they are subject to good radiations.

In view of the inadequacy of all these calculations they are only burdening themselves with unnecessary worries instead of always exhibiting a free, joyous spirit, which sets up a more powerful defense than the most malevolent radiations could break down.

If they are so bent upon it, astrologers should quietly continue their work and try to perfect themselves in it; but only in private and for themselves, which is what those who are really in earnest do!

For the time being they should spare other people such imperfections, since these would only have a destructive influence, resulting in an undermining of self-confidence and harmful fettering of free spirits!

This should be avoided at all costs!

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