AS A GREAT GRACE for your maturing in the coarse World of Matter, the ability to form words has been bestowed upon you human beings by the Creator!

You have never recognized the true value of this sublime gift, because you did not trouble yourselves about it, and treated it carelessly.

Now you must suffer bitterly under all the consequences of your wrongdoing.

You stand in this affliction, and do not yet know the causes which bring such suffering in their wake.

No one may trifle with gifts of the Almighty without harming himself; such is the Law which rests and works in Creation, and which can never be diverted.

And when you consider that this being able to speak, thus your ability to form words, which anchor your volition in the World of Gross Matter through speaking, is an especially high gift of your Creator, then you will also know that it involves obligations for you, and that an immense responsibility arises therefrom; for it is with the language, and through it, that you are to work in Creation!

The words you form, the sentences, shape your outward fate on this earth.

They are like seed in a garden which you build around you; for each human word is part of the most vital thing that you can weave for yourselves in this Creation.

Today I give you this, with an admonition, to think it over: there is a releasing quality in every word, because all words are firmly anchored in the Primordial Laws of Creation!

Every word shaped by man has come into being under the pressure of higher Laws and, according to its application, must manifest formingly in a very definite way!

The application lies in man’s hands according to his free volition; however he is unable to control the effect, which is strictly and justly governed in conformity with the Holy Law by a power hitherto unknown to him.

Therefore in the final reckoning woe will now fall upon every human being who has abused the mysterious working of the word!

But where is the man who has not yet sinned in this respect!

For thousands of years the whole earthly race has been deeply entangled in this guilt.

What harm has already been spread throughout this earth by the wrong application of this gift of being permitted to speak!

Through ruinous, thoughtless and idle talk all men have sown poison.

The seed has duly sprung up, the plant has blossomed forth, and now bears the fruit which you must harvest, whether you like it or not; for it is all the consequences of your actions that are now thrown into your lap!

That this poison must bring forth the most repulsive fruits will not surprise anyone who knows the Laws in Creation, which do not conform to the ideas of men, but serenely pursue their great course, irresistibly, without deviation, from the primordial beginning, and also unchanged unto all eternity.

Look around you, men, clearly and without bias: You must easily recognize the self-acting Divine Laws of the Most Holy Will, because you do have before you the fruits of your sowing!

Wherever you look you will find that today high-sounding talk predominates and leads in everything.

This seed had to come swiftly to such flower, to reveal now in the ripening its true kernel, whereby it will then collapse as useless.

It had to ripen under the increased pressure from the Light, and must shoot up as if in a hothouse; so that, losing every support through its hollowness, it will fall and bury all who with light-hearted confidence or selfish hope imagined themselves safe under its protection.

The time of harvest has already begun!

Therewith all the consequences of wrong speaking now fall back upon the individual, as upon the entire masses who encouraged such talk.

It is quite natural, and shows the strict consistency of the effects of the Divine Laws, that now on the eve of the harvest the greatest talkers must in the end also gain the strongest influence and greatest power, as culmination and fruit of this continual wrong use of the word, whose mysterious working foolish humanity could no longer know, because they have long since closed themselves to the knowledge of it.

They did not listen to the warning voice of Jesus, the Son of God, Who already at that time said: “Let your communication be yea or nay; for whatsoever is more than these cometh of evil!”

There is more in these words than you imagined; for they hold upbuilding or decline for mankind!

Through your propensity for much and useless talk you have chosen decline, which has already come to you.

Finally, before the general collapse in the Judgment, it also still shows you quite clearly, as a help towards the saving recognition, all the fruits which you have forcibly brought into being through the wrong application of the word.

The reciprocal power now raises the masters at your own sins to the top, in such a way that you are in danger of being crushed by them, so that through recognition you will at last free yourselves from or be destroyed by them.

That is at the same time justice and help, as only the Will of God in His Perfection can offer you!

Just look around you!

You must recognize it, if only you will.

And for those who still hesitate to do so, the veil which they themselves hold before their eyes will yet be forcibly torn away from the fruits of their volition through still greater suffering than in the past, so that this earth may be cleansed from the pressure of your great guilt!

The entire mankind has actively participated in this, not merely individuals.

They are the blossoms of all the wrongdoing over past centuries, which now had to ripen in these last fruits for the Judgment, so as to perish in this ripeness.

The frivolous, senseless and thoughtless chatter which, however, is always wrong and out of harmony with the Primordial Laws of Creation, had to culminate in the universal disease which is evident today, and must now in fever spasms, as in a storm, also shake off the fruits … they drop into the lap of mankind.

Hence no people should be pitied who must now groan and suffer under this; for these are the fruits of their own volition, which must be consumed even if they taste rotten and bitter and bring destruction to many, because from poisonous seed only poison can be harvested.

I have already said: where you sow thistles, no wheat can grow!

Thus out of agitation, mockery and harming your fellow-men there can never come any upbuilding whatever; for each kind of expression and attitude can only bring forth something similar, can only attract what is homogeneous!

You must never forget this Law of Creation!

It works automatically, and all human volition can never act against it!

Never, do you hear that?

Impress it upon yourselves, so that you may always heed it in your thinking, speaking and acting; for everything germinates from this and grows into your fate!

Therefore never hope for anything else as fruit than always and only the same kind as the seed!

This after all is not so difficult, and yet it is just in this that you continually fail!

Slander can again only produce slander, hate only hate, and murder only murder.

But dignity, peace, light and joy can in turn only arise from a dignified way of thinking, never otherwise.

Liberation and redemption do not lie in the clamor of individuals and of the masses.

A people that permits itself to be led by talkers must inevitably and rightfully fall into bad repute, into sorrow and death, into distress and misery; it is forcibly pushed into the mire.

And if hitherto the fruit and the harvest have so often not appeared in one earth-life, but only in later ones, this is now different; for the fulfilment of the Holy Will of God enforces immediate release of every happening on earth, and therewith also the unravelling of all the fates of men and of the peoples!

Final reckoning!

Therefore guard your word!

Pay careful attention to your speech; for the human word is also a deed which, however, can only produce forms in the Plane of Fine Gross Matter, that sink into and have an effect on everything earthly.

Yet do not imagine that promises are fulfilled according to their wording and thus grow into deeds, unless at the same time the speaker bears the purest intentions in his soul; but the words form that which from out of the innermost being of the speaker simultaneously vibrates with them.

So the same word can produce two kinds of results, and woe unto him with whom it did not truthfully vibrate in complete purity!

I lift the veil covering your ignorance which has prevailed up to now, so that you may henceforth consciously experience the evil consequences, and benefit from them for the future.

As a further help I therefore give you: Heed your word!

Let your speech be simple and true!

In accordance with the Holy Will of God, it contains an ability to form in an upbuilding or also in a destroying way, depending on the nature of the words and of the speaker.

Do not squander these sublime gifts which God so mercifully granted you, but seek to recognize them aright in their full value.

Up till now the power of speech has been a curse to you through such people, who as Lucifer’s satellites have misused it under the evil influence of the distorted and one-sidedly developed intellect!

Therefore beware of people who talk much; for with these goes disintegration.

You, however, are to become upbuilding ones in this Creation, not talkers!

Heed your word!

Do not talk merely for the sake of talking.

And speak only when, where and how it is necessary!

In the human word there shall be a reflection of the splendor of the Word of God, which is Life and will eternally remain Life.

You know that all Creation swings in the Word of the Lord!

Does this not make you think?

Creation vibrates in Him, as also do you yourselves, who are indeed part of Creation; for it arose out of Him and is maintained through this Word.

It has been clearly proclaimed to mankind: “In the beginning was the Word!

And the Word was with God!

And the Word was God!”

Herein lies all knowledge for you, if you would only draw it.

But you skim over it and do not heed it.

Plainly it tells you: The Word came out of God!

It was and is a part out of Him.

A faint reflection of the power of the Living Word of God, which contains all and embraces all that is outside of God, a faint reflection of this also lies in the human word!

It is true that the human word is only able to send out its effect into the Planes of Fine Gross Matter, but that is enough retroactively to shape the destinies of men and also of peoples here on earth!

Remember that!

He who talks much stands only on the ground of the distorted, one-sidedly developed intellect!

The two always go hand in hand.

By that you can recognize it!

And these are words emanating from the low earthly planes, that can never build up.

Yet in accordance with the Divine Law the word is to build up.

Wherever it does not obey this command it can only bring about the opposite.

Therefore always heed your word!

And stand to your word!

You have still to be taught the right way to do this in the building up of the Kingdom of God here on earth.

You must first learn to recognize the power of the words which you have hitherto so thoughtlessly and frivolously debased.

Just think for once of the most Holy Word that has been given to you, of the Word: GOD!

You very often speak of God, too often for that awe still to resound in It which would indicate the right intuitive perception when you utter this Word: the awe which will allow you only to whisper the Sublime Word in reverential devotion, so as to shield It carefully from any kind of desecration.

But what have you men made of the most Sacred of all concepts in the Word!

Instead of humbly and joyfully preparing your spirit for this most Sublime Expression, so that it may gratefully open itself to an unspeakable Radiation-Power of the Unsubstantiate Light-Sublimity of real Being, Who first permits you as well as all creatures to breathe, you have dared to drag It down to the low planes of your most trivial thinking, using It carelessly as an every-day word, which thereby had now to form itself in your ears into only an empty sound, and thus can find no entrance to your spirit.

It is then obvious that the effect of this most Sublime of all words will be different from the effect on those who whisper It with the proper awe and recognition.

Therefore pay attention to all words; for they hold joy or sorrow for you, they build up or disintegrate, they bring clarity but can also confuse, according to the manner in which they are spoken and applied.

I will later also give you recognition for this, so that you can give thanks with every word which the Creator still permits you to speak now!

Then you shall also have earthly happiness, and peace will reign here on this hitherto troubled earth.

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