A GREY VEIL SHROUDS all that appertains to the figure of Lucifer, and it is as though everybody shrinks from lifting a corner of it.

In truth this shrinking back is nothing but man’s inability to penetrate into the realm of Darkness.

Again this inability simply lies in the order of things, for here as elsewhere a limit is set upon the human spirit owing to its nature, which prevents it from penetrating so far.

Just as it is unable to reach the Highest Heights, so also is it unable to penetrate to the deepest depths, nor will it ever be able to do so!

Thus the imagination created substitutes for what was missing; it created a diversity of beings!

People speak of the devil in the most adventurous forms, of the fallen and expelled archangel, of the embodiment of the evil principle, and all the rest of it.

Nothing is understood of Lucifer’s true nature, although the human spirit is often struck by him, and consequently thrown into a state of great inner conflict, which can be likened to a battle!

Those who speak of a fallen archangel, as also those who speak of the embodiment of the evil principle, come closest to the truth.

But here also a false attitude prevails, giving a false picture of everything.

An embodiment of the evil principle makes one think of the summit, of the final goal, of all evil having been invested with life and body, thus the crowning, the complete culmination!

On the contrary, however, Lucifer is the origin, the starting point and the driving power of the wrong principle!

One should really not call the principle he brings forth the evil principle, but the wrong principle!

The field of action of this wrong principle is the World of Matter.

It is only here that the effects of the Light and the effects of Darkness, the two opposing principles, meet with one another, and constantly influence the human soul while it is developing on its journey through the World of Matter.

Whichever of the two the human soul favors, in accordance with its own wishes, proves decisive for its ascent toward the Light or for its descent toward Darkness.

The gulf which lies between Light and Darkness is immense.

It is filled by that part of Creation called the World of Matter, which is subject to the transient nature of the forms, that is, to the disintegration of the forms existing at the time and to a subsequent reconstruction.

Since according to the Laws which the Will of God the Father has placed in Creation a cycle can only be considered completed and fulfilled when it ends up by returning to its origin, so also the cycle of a human spirit can only be considered fulfilled when it returns to the Spiritual Realm, because that is where its spirit-germ originated.

If a human spirit permits itself to deviate towards Darkness, it runs the risk of being drawn beyond the outermost circle of its normal course towards a depth from which it can then no longer find its way back in order to ascend.

Nor can it step even deeper over the extreme boundary of densest and deepest ethereal darkness and thus completely out of the World of Matter, as it could do in the upward direction into the Realm of Spiritual Substantiality, because the latter is its point of origin.

And so it is constantly drawn along in the mighty cycle of material Creation until it is finally drawn into disintegration, because its ethereally dark and therefore dense and heavy garment, which is also called the ethereal body, holds it down.

This disintegration then dissolves the spiritual personality it has acquired on its course through Creation, so that it suffers spiritual death and is dispersed to primordial spiritual seed.

Lucifer himself stands outside material Creation and will therefore not be drawn into the disintegration which is the fate of the victims of his principle, because Lucifer is eternal.

His origin lies in a part of the Sphere of Divine Substantiality.

The dissension started after the creation of all matter had begun.

Sent out to support Spiritual Substantiality and further its development in the World of Matter, he failed to carry out his mission in accordance with the Creative Will of God the Father but, through a volition which came to him while working in matter, he chose ways other than those ordained by this Creative Will.

Misusing the power delegated to him, he introduced among other things the principle of temptation in place of the principle of supporting help, which is identical with serving love; serving love in the Divine sense, which has nothing in common with slavish servility, but only has the spiritual ascent and thereby the eternal happiness of his fellow man at heart and acts accordingly!

The principle of temptation, however, is identical with the setting of snares which cause creatures who are not sufficiently strong within themselves quickly to stumble, fall and become lost, whereas others, it is true, grow stronger and more alert so as to blossom forth powerfully towards spiritual heights.

But all that is weak is irrevocably abandoned to destruction from the start.

This principle knows of no goodness, no compassion; it is wanting in the love of God the Father, and therewith also in the mightiest power to ascend and in the strongest support available.

The temptation in Paradise described in the Bible shows the effect produced by the application of the Lucifer principle.

It depicts how, through temptation, it tries to test the strength or steadfastness of the human couple, only to thrust them pitilessly on the road to destruction at the least sign of wavering.

Steadfastness would have been identical with a joyful adjustment to the Will of God which lies in the simple Laws of Nature or Laws of Creation.

And this Will, the Divine Command, was well known to the human couple.

Not to hesitate would have been the same as obeying these laws.

Only through such obedience can man make proper and unlimited use of them and thus become truly “a lord in Creation” because he is “in harmony with them”!

If he does not put himself into opposition, all the powers will serve him and work automatically in his favor.

This then holds the fulfilment of the Creator’s commandments which have but one aim – to preserve and maintain undimmed and unhampered all the possibilities of development that lie in His wonderful work.

The simple observance of this means in turn consciously to co-operate in the further sound development of Creation or of the World of Matter.

He who fails in this is an obstacle which must either be hewn into the right shape or left to be crushed in the wheels of the world’s mechanism, that is, in the Laws of Creation.

He who will not bend must break, as there can be no stagnation!

Lucifer refuses to wait with kindness for man gradually to mature and become strong.

He refuses to be the loving gardener that he should be, caring for, supporting and tending the plants entrusted to him.

With him “the wolf” literally “came to mind the sheep”!

His goal is the destruction of all that is weak, and he works relentlessly towards that end.

At the same time he despises the victims who succumb to his temptations and snares, and it is his wish that they should be destroyed in their weakness!

He is also contemptuous of the baseness and meanness which these fallen victims show in the working out of his principle, for it is only men who turn it into the loathsome villainy which is so evident.

Through this they only incense Lucifer the more to regard them as creatures who deserve nothing but destruction, not love and care!

To achieve this destruction not a little is contributed by the principle of “letting oneself go”, which follows as a natural consequence of the principle of temptation.

This “letting oneself go” takes place in the lower regions of Darkness but, through so-called psycho-analysis, some practitioners have already accepted it on the assumption that here on earth also “letting oneself go” liberates and matures.

But what dreadful misery must the practice of this principle cause here on earth!

What mischief must it bring since, in contrast with the regions of Darkness where only homogeneous species are together, on earth both darker and lighter souls dwell side by side!

In this respect you need only to think of sexual life and similar things.

If such a principle was put into practice and let loose on mankind, it must ultimately create nothing but a Sodom and Gomorrah from which there would be no escape, and only the most abject terror could bring it to an end!

Quite apart from this, however, one already sees numerous victims of similar therapies wandering about today without any hold on life, whose little bit of self-reliance and, on the whole, all their individual thinking have been completely picked to pieces and destroyed when they had confidently expected help.

They are like people whose clothing has been systematically torn from their bodies so that they are then forced to put on the new garments handed to them.

However, in most cases these denuded ones unfortunately can no longer see why they should put on any new clothing at all!

Through the systematic intrusion into their most intimate affairs and rights they have gradually lost the feeling of shame which is an integral part of personal self-consciousness, a part of the personality, and without which there can be nothing individual.

On such uprooted soil no new solid building can then be erected.

With few exceptions these people remain dependent and sometimes actually become helpless, because the small hold they formerly possessed has been taken from them.

Both the principles of “letting oneself go” and of temptation are so closely connected that temptation must without doubt precede “letting oneself go”.

The latter is thus a direct following and spreading of the Lucifer principle.

The true physician of the soul does not need to tear down.

He recognizes the slumbering good qualities, awakens them and then builds upon them.

The true principle brings about a transformation of wrong desires through a spiritual understanding!

The application of his loveless principle, however, quite naturally separated Lucifer more and more from the Loving Will of the Almighty Creator, causing him to be cut off and cast out from the Light.

Consequently he fell ever deeper.

Lucifer is one who has severed himself from the Light, which is equivalent to having been cast out.

This expulsion was also bound to occur according to the existing Primordial Laws, the irrevocable Holy Will of God the Father!

It could not possibly happen otherwise!

Since only the Will of God the Father, of the Creator of all things, is omnipotent, and is also firmly anchored in material Creation and its development, Lucifer can quite well send his principle into the material sphere, but the resulting effects will always and only operate within the Primordial Laws ordained by God the Father and must form themselves accordingly!

Thus, in pursuit of his erroneous principle, Lucifer can incite men to set out on a road dangerous to them, but he is unable in any way to force men into something unless they themselves decide upon it voluntarily!

In fact Lucifer can only lure!

But man as such stands more firmly in material Creation than he does, therefore with much greater security and power than any influence Lucifer could ever wield over him.

Thus every man is so well protected that it is a tenfold shame upon him if he permits himself to be enticed by this power, which is a relatively weaker power than his!

He should remember that Lucifer himself stands outside the material sphere, while he himself is firmly rooted in familiar soil!

In order to apply his principle Lucifer is forced to make use of his auxiliary troops, composed of human spirits who have succumbed to his temptations!

The spirit of every man striving upwards is not only fully able to deal with them, but is far superior in strength.

One single, serious volition suffices to make an army of them vanish without trace, providing their enticements meet with no response or approval to which they can cling.

Lucifer would indeed be quite powerless if mankind would make the effort to recognize and follow the Primordial Laws given by the Creator.

Unfortunately, however, men increasingly support the wrong principle through their present behavior, and the greater part of them will therefore have to perish!

It is impossible for any human spirit to fight a battle against Lucifer himself for the simple reason that, owing to the difference in the nature of their species, it cannot penetrate to him.

The human spirit can only come in contact with those who have fallen through the wrong principle because they are basically of the same species.

The origin of Lucifer requires that only he who is of the same or of a higher origin can personally approach and face him, and so none other can penetrate to him.

It must be a Divine Envoy, armed with the sacred seriousness of His Mission and with perfect trust in the Source of All Power, in God the Father Himself!

This task has been delegated to the prophesied Son of Man!

The combat will be a personal one, face to face, not only a general symbolical one, as many investigators want to interpret from the prophecies.

It is the fulfilment of the promise given in Parsifal.

Lucifer has wrongly used the “Holy Spear”, the Power, and through his principle inflicted a painful wound with it upon humanity and thus upon the Sphere of Spiritual Substantiality.

The Spear will be wrested from him in this combat.

Then, in the “proper hands”, that is, by applying the true Grail principle of pure, severe love, it will heal the wound previously inflicted by it while in the wrong hand, that is, through its wrong use.

Through the Lucifer principle, that is, through the wrong application of Divine Power, which is the same as the “Holy Spear” being wielded in the wrong hand, a wound that cannot heal has been inflicted upon the Sphere of Spiritual Substantiality.

In the legend this thought is portrayed in striking manner, for the happening does resemble an open wound that will not heal.

It should be realized that the human spirits, as unconscious spirit germs or sparks, leap or flow over the boundary of the lowest region of Spiritual Substantiality into material Creation!

The expectation is that these outflowing particles, having been awakened and developed to personal consciousness during their wanderings in the World of Matter, will return thereafter to the Sphere of Spiritual Substantiality in order to complete their cycles.

This is similar to the circulation of the blood in the physical body.

The Lucifer principle, however, diverts a large portion of this circulating spiritual stream.

Thus the necessary cycle cannot be closed, the result being a weakening as from the continual draining of an open wound!

When now the “Holy Spear”, i.e., the Divine Power, is wielded in the proper hand, acting according to the Will of the Creator and showing the right way to spiritual substance which constitutes an animating factor in Matter, thereby leading it upwards to its point of origin, to the luminous Kingdom of God the Father, the spiritual substance will no longer become lost, but will flow back to its origin as the blood does to the heart.

As a result the exuding wound, which up till then weakened the Sphere of Spiritual Substantiality, will be closed!

Thus the healing can only take place through the same Spear as inflicted the wound!

To achieve this, however, the Spear must first be wrested from Lucifer and come into the proper hand, and this takes place in the personal combat between Parsifal and Lucifer!

The further battles which extend into the Ethereal and Gross Material Worlds are but the after-effects of this one great combat, which must bring about the promised binding of Lucifer and herald the beginning of the Millennium!

They mean the extermination of the consequences of the Lucifer principle!

This principle is opposed to the reign of Divine Love, the blessings of which fall to man’s share on his journey through the World of Matter.

If men would simply strive after this Divine Love they would immediately become completely invulnerable to every temptation of Lucifer, and he would be robbed of all the terror the human spirit has woven around him.

The monstrous and hideous forms which man erroneously tries to give to Lucifer are but the confused phantasies of the human brain!

In truth, for the simple reason that there is a difference in species, no human eye was ever able to behold him, not even the eye which already during life on earth is often able to recognize the Ethereal World of the beyond!

Contrary to all ideas Lucifer may be called proud and stately, of a supernatural beauty and somber majesty, with large, clear blue eyes which, however, in their ice-cold expression bear witness to a lack of love!

He is not only a conception, as he is generally represented when all other interpretations fail, but he is personal!

Mankind should learn to understand that for them too, on account of their particular species, a limit is set which they can never cross, naturally not even in their thoughts, and that messages can only come to them from beyond this limit as an act of Grace.

This cannot happen through mediums, who are unable to change their species even under supernatural conditions, and just as little through science.

Indeed it is just science which by means of chemistry has the opportunity to discover that the difference of species can create in-surmountable barriers!

These laws, however, proceed from the Highest Source and are not merely to be found in the work of Creation!

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