FOR ALL THOSE who have already absorbed my Message aright, for those alone will I again extend the picture of Creation a little further in order to increase their knowledge of it.

In this way you will be initiated into higher recognitions, which have not been given to mankind in the past because they would not have understood it, because they would have been far too immature spiritually to absorb it.

And no man himself, of his own accord, could ever attain to these recognitions.

It is given as a grace from the Light!

Often in the past I have spoken of the Primordial Beings who are active in Primordial Creation, the Primordial Spiritual Realm.

Instead of saying primordial spiritual I could with equal justification also use the expressions “highly spiritual” and “completely spiritual”.

I could likewise designate it as the highest spiritual.

All would be correct!

But I preferred the term “primordial spiritual”.

It is the strongest out of the spiritual capable of becoming fully conscious of itself, and in remaining conscious also to be active, under the highest pressure of the Light which the spiritual as being spiritual can bear at all.

In becoming conscious of itself the form also simultaneously came into existence without having first to undergo a slow process of development, as becomes necessary in those spheres of movement of this Creation which lie deeper, which have cooled off even further, and which are consequently denser and also slower.

After the strongest out of the spiritual was immediately able to sever itself and take on form, remaining in the closest proximity to the Divine Sphere and held fast by the latter’s strong attraction through the Light-Pressure, the remainder was pushed further away by this pressure because it was unable to resist and had to give way to the too strong pressure, after the strongest thereof had become form.

The spiritual species which had been pushed still further away and remained unformed was able to cool off even more in the greater distance from the Light, and with this a new world again came into existence; for in the cooling off that which was this time considered the strongest in the remainder of the spiritual could now again simultaneously release itself and take on form in order to be active in conscious state in this plane which had cooled off more.

However, the second as well as the first, the uppermost, plane contain many gradations within themselves, forming themselves with these gradations, which latter formed according to the speed of their ability to be conscious.

The differences therein were again conditioned by the varieties that even occur within the homogeneous species, in so far as they have a greater or lesser capacity to bear the nearness of the Light-Pressure.

Thus here, too, there are still fine distinctions.

Therefore each plane of a definite homogeneous species has nevertheless within its boundaries numerous planes which can be active either nearer to the highest point of this corresponding plane or only further away.

This often results in barely noticeable transitions which are drawn in this way through the whole of Creation without interruption, resulting in glorious, absolutely gapless connections for the flowing through of the Light-Power – we may also call them steps which, despite their delicate nature, can never be surmounted upwards unless the corresponding degree of consistency in the homogeneous species has been attained for this purpose.

But the developed human spirits, to which earthmen belong, originate neither in the afore-mentioned first nor in the second collective spiritual plane, but they issue from the last precipitation of spiritual substance, which does not hold enough strength to enable it to form itself by becoming conscious in the second plane of the spirit.

Neither could this precipitation stay there because it was no longer able to withstand the pressure of the Light even at this more remote place, after that part had severed and formed itself which was able to do so on this second plane.

Thus the part left over, being the last precipitation, had to recede still further into yet deeper cooling-off possibilities.

But here also, being the weakest part and last precipitation of the spiritual, it was not possible for this precipitation to come to consciousness of its own accord without receiving an impulse from outside.

That is why they remained only human spirit-germs, capable of development it is true, and filled with the urge towards it by their spiritual nature.

But they were not strong enough to awaken of themselves, and thus to take on form in the process of becoming conscious.

That alone is the place where the spirit of earthman as such originates in the great Creation; there arose and also is the Paradise of the human spirits that develop to completion, thus the plane from which they actually set out and likewise to which they return in the completion!

Looking downwards from above it lies at an immense depth, yet looking upwards from the earth it lies nevertheless at an indescribable height; for the planes of the Worlds of Matter, which are the spheres of development and fields of activity for the human spirits, are far flung!

Their inability to awaken of themselves, even at this outermost place which is furthest away from the Light and the last point of support of the spiritual, forces these spirit-germs as they follow the inner urge for development to move even further in order gradually to develop to spiritual consciousness by wandering through the more and more distant fine and coarse Worlds of Matter, because the friction and colliding therein due to the density and heaviness contribute to and compel them to awaken and grow strong.

That is the approximate picture of the growth of your human spirit!

Only to those who are to be taken seriously and to those who plead for it do I give the extended view into the wonderful Creation, which surrounds you as the Work of God in clear greatness, with the activity of the most perfect and thereby irrevocable self-acting laws.

To this there must later be added special descriptions about the origin and coming into existence of everything which, corresponding to its species, can be found in every Realm of Creation, such as plants, animals, soil, rocks, seas, air and fire, etc., which here on earth we can only consider as the coarsest reproductions, as are earthmen themselves!

It is a vast field, and yet no gaps shall be left, but everything only at its time!

Now I am first giving only that with which earthman is connected in an absolutely straight line.

It remains unpleasant enough to know in what an unworthy manner earthly mankind have been exerting themselves for thousands of years to narrow and oppress in a destructive way their most valuable possession, indeed that which really makes them human beings – their spirit!

So that now man on earth is even ashamed to speak of something spiritual, to admit to a spiritual experience!

But it becomes agonizing to experience ever again that men, with a stupidity which has an incredibly ridiculous effect, take this voluntarily enforced narrow-mindedness even for cleverness, regard it indeed as learnedness!

There is only one consolation in this matter – the knowledge of the turning-point in these things which is already so near at hand as nobody would divine or believe; and the knowledge of the fact that a part of these same men will then ashamedly look back to the time of their disgraceful aberration which separates them widely from their real humanity and human dignity, while the other part will no longer be a matter of concern, for it will have ceased to exist!

Only with this in view do I continue my explanations! —

However, I wish to lift the veil even more for the human spirit after having already given a very compact picture of the path of the Light down to him, along which path with its various anchorages the Light had to proceed each time help was extended from above, only in the end to be rewarded with outrageous conceit on the part of these small earthmen, as has always happened in the past!

It is true that revelations from these planes have often descended to you, but you only absorbed miserable fragments and formed them according to your human nature, so that the renditions can be found only as badly distorted fragments in legends and poetic writings.

Confused and impossible according to the Laws of Creation in their presentation, interwoven with various happenings of a purely earthly nature… the result is a mixture which seems sublime to you, but which appears ridiculous when compared to the Truth, and only to be excused by your complete lack of knowledge!

Already before my Message people here and there heard of the existence of such planes, but they were unable to keep them apart and so, due to the usual conceit of human trying-to-be-clever, the most impossible productions arose!

It can readily be understood that serious people shook their heads and kept at a proper distance therefrom, while among enthusiasts and visionaries the most devastating aberrations arose, quite apart from the fact that especially the many small “would-be-greats” sought to use such opportunities to swing themselves upwards without effort, so as to be able at least once to satisfy their morbid craving for easily achieved respect, which propensity always clings to them.

All that resulted from this was a disgusting ethereal swamp which became a great danger to the human spirits, because it hindered them from taking up the Truth uninfluenced and thus recognizing the right path to ascent!

Despite everything, however, it is none the less the personal and free will, and the result of a self-created indolence of the spirit of each individual, which hold him back from recognition.

Whoever exerts himself only a little must very soon clearly recognize the truth in these writings through his intuitive perception!

Let us take the legend about Parsifal!

Starting in his thinking from this small earth man seeks to fathom and to find something about Parsifal in order to discover how this legend originated, came into existence.

No doubt these earthly writers had in mind earthly persons who gave an outward impulse to the form of the poetic production, but in their spiritual absorption as they worked they unconsciously drew some things from sources which they themselves did not know, Since in the end, however, they again polished it up with their intellect, thus seeking to make it beautiful in the earthly sense and more easily intelligible, even the little which could flow to them from unknown planes was compressed into the World of Gross Matter, diminished and distorted!

It is not worth while to go especially into this with further explanations!

I am giving what is founded on fact, and every person can take out of it for himself whatever his spirit is able to.

However, it is necessary at the outset to point to certain things which must clarify for many people much that is erroneous, and which will make many things easier for those who can be initiated into higher recognitions, because through this they will be able right from the beginning to swing themselves above all the wrong that has settled down on the earth.

There actually is a Castle where an Amfortas dwelt, who for a time was considered the first guardian there.

In this Castle there is a vessel called the “Grail”, which is faithfully guarded by the knights.

It was indeed there that Amfortas actually met his downfall, and where a great helper was promised.

But this happened neither on earth nor in the high Light Castle of Primordial Creation!

The Castle which is revealed there (where Amfortas was) is even today still to be found as the highest point on a plane in which the Created Beings have their field of activity towards the developed ones.

In their purest volition and worship of God they possess only an imitation of the Light Castle.

This Light Castle radiates down from the highest place in Primordial Creation and, as the actual Castle of the Holy Grail, also forms the exit gate from the Divine Sphere of Radiation.

In this lower lying imitation Amfortas was once active, and he fell when he succumbed to the evil influence of Lucifer.

His mistake was that by following this influence he once, for a short time, sought to devote himself comfortably to the enjoyment of a proud knightly life!

Therewith he stepped out of the harmony of the necessary movement of his plane, which movement the Primordial Law of Creation automatically compels him who wishes to stay on the same height to maintain.

For a short time Amfortas came to a standstill, thereby hindering and creating a gap for the streaming through of the Power of the Light.

Thus his fall was unavoidable and it tore him down.

The gap was the wound he carried.

Upon the supplication of the faithful knighthood the coming of the helping Pure One who could arrest the destruction was proclaimed.

And Parsifal fulfilled the promise as He journeyed through all the parts of Creation, just as He fulfils all the promises that were ever given to the creatures of the entire Creation.

But the fulfilment was entirely different to what is described in the poetic writings.

The description of Creation also brings full enlightenment about this, and eliminates all that has been wrong in the past.

Thus only parts of a revelation from the lowest imitation of the Light Castle could penetrate to the opened spirits of these earthly poets, who absorbed them during their work.

They did not come from the luminous Grail Castle itself, for there it was impossible to proclaim Parsifal’s coming, because Parsifal was and is the First in the whole of Creation, only with Him could the entire Creation come into existence.

He is part of the God-Spirit Imanuel, anchored into the Primordial Spiritual in order to create the Primordial Spiritual.

It was out of His Light-Radiation that the Primordial Beings came into existence, and with them the Castle and everything that took on form.

Thus He could not be proclaimed to anyone, because He Himself was the First and all else could only come into existence after Him.

No one but He has ever been King of the Holy Grail!

For this reason it was only natural that the Castle of which the poets speak had to be further down than the actual Grail Castle, because later on Parsifal hastened through the world in order to redeem it from the evil influence of Lucifer, and to shackle him for the Kingdom of God lasting a thousand years in the World of Matter.

Thus during His wandering through all the parts of Creation He also came to that Castle which is wrongly described in the poetic writings.

He made His entry there as King of the Holy Grail, Who He is from the beginning and will remain so eternally, because He Himself originates from the Light.

Nor did He remain there, but in place of Amfortas appointed a new highest guardian for the vessel, which they honor as the image of the Holy Grail.

In the Holy Light Castle which surrounds the actual Grail it is absolutely impossible for any of Its guardians to be found wanting, because Parsifal remains present therein; in Whom an Un-substantiate part of the Light Itself is anchored, which was guided down from out of Imanuel through the Primordial Queen Elizabeth at the Word of God: Let there be Light!

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