I HAVE EXPLAINED the first ring of the Primordial Beings around Parsifal, i.e., not yet explained, but only spoken of them!

Before continuing I must yet explain many things in greater detail, otherwise you lack something for the ring of the great swinging, and cannot let it come to life within yourselves.

Everything must be without a gap, although it can only be given to you in pictures.

For this reason we can only advance very slowly.

Therefore we must once again dwell upon the first Primordial Beings whom I named in the last lecture.

They are the strongest pillars for and in the Creations.

And again I must in doing this ascend to the nearest proximity of God, in so far as one can at all speak about proximity; for there is nothing of which one could say it is in the proximity of God, if the proximity is measured according to earthly conceptions.

Even the greatest distance which exists in human conception is not yet sufficient to give an approximate picture of that distance which one wants to designate as the nearest proximity to God.

It is still infinitely greater; for that which one can call the actual proximity to God is a surging ocean of flames, still without the possibility to acquire form.

For this reason I merely make use of the expression for the designation “proximity” in this matter, not of the conception.

In this proximity, upon the Steps of the Throne, which are entire planes, the four Animals in their very special species of swinging are to be found.

The Primordial Queen Elizabeth cannot be placed upon any gradations for She is entirely by Herself, through Her the Pure Lily.

The Archangels are again of a different species of the direct Radiations of God than are the four Animals.

The species separate themselves in the process of their forming.

One can also say:

The forming is the separation, for it is an automatic, living occurrence!

Today, however, let us only talk about the four Animals!

These Animals carry within themselves the suppositions for Creation!

This means that all the radiations which the Creations need in order to take on form, in order to fashion themselves, are accumulated within these Animals.

For this reason the foundation of Creation already rests in these Animals.

Four Animals which form a Square on the Steps of the Throne of God and drink in, absorb within themselves, all the Creative Radiations of God!

This means that they not only form a Square, but they are the Square of Creation, or the Square of the later Circle of Creation.

I do not want to dwell upon this too long, but merely touch quickly upon that which is essential for us today in order to explain the relation of the Square of the Animals with Creation.

Thus the Square of the Animals, or better said “Beings”, contains everything the Creations need, and for this purpose it is the first central gathering point out of the Radiations of the Divine Trinity above it.

Entirely different radiations go through the Primordial Queen, as again different ones through all the Archangels!

Therefore it is only this Square of the four Beings that deals directly from above with the later Circle of Creation; it is connected with it.

All else having its home in the Divine Plane of Radiation, and which was and is thereby eternal, inclines towards all that is created only in a helping, uplifting and furthering way in the swinging of the Divine Love, which is quite natural to them.

However, they are not firmly connected with Creation.

Only the Square of the Four Animals is connected with it!

Very much lies in this fine distinction!

Therefore impress it upon your mind very specially!

Many a thing, much that has so far remained incomprehensible to you, will thus become clearer to you.

Of the four winged, knowing Beings by the Throne of God – the Ram, the Bull, the Lion and the Eagle – the Ram is that Being which bears a human countenance; for the Ram holds within itself that Spirituality of Creation out of which the human beings in Creation form themselves and develop!

This is also related to the expression:

The Lamb of God and the wound it bears; for in conformity with nature it shows upon itself the wound of the failure and decline of the human spirits in Creation, since they issued from it, if not directly, then indirectly.

The out streaming human-spiritual does not pulsate harmoniously back from out of Creation, but is held fast in the Worlds of Matter because too much guilt clings to it.

With this I again extend the field of knowledge for you for another span.

But it does not displace anything of what you have been able to learn in the past, all of which continues to exist nevertheless, swinging in full harmony with the new, although some things may not appear to do so in the first moment.

Now I want to pass on to the details.

Parsifal stepped across the boundary of the direct radiation of the Divine Trinity, i.e., across the boundary of the Divine Plane.

With this He carried the radiation of His Un-substantiate God-Core out, and now radiated outside the Divine Sphere as a small Part out of Immanuel into the Light-Void and, being the Source of Life, illuminating, warming, bringing everything into motion, and keeping it in motion.

Immediately and at an adequate distance there formed in a kind of combination the first four Pillars of the Creations, which contain everything necessary for Creation.

They are not formed like the Beings by the Throne of God, but are human form, although to human conception absolutely unbelievable in size and beauty.

Standing before Parsifal as Knights of the Grail, i.e., as powerful protectors and faithful Guardians of the property and the Holy Vessel of His Un-substantiate Part entrusted by God in Parsifal, they simultaneously comply with the effects of the four Beings on the Steps of the Throne.

As the Quadrature of the Circling of Creation!

In their effect for the Creations they are of the following kinds:

1. Od-shi-mat-no-ke: The ideal figure of the human-spiritual which cannot be attained by others because it is perfect!

Therefore appearing as a kingly ruler!

He bears only the species of the Ram within, thus he is its mode of operation in Primordial Creation; one could say that the Ram is anchored within him.

2. Leilak: The ideal figure of man’s courage, of man’s strength.

Within himself he bears a combination of the species of the Ram – therefore the spiritual-human form – and of the Bull.

3. The Lion: The ideal figure of heroism.

He bears within himself the combination out of the Ram with the Lion.

4. Mercury: The ruler of all the forces of the elements.

He bears within himself the connection out of the Ram with the Eagle.

All four of the Primordial Beings, apart from the other species that are expressed, must also be fundamentally connected with the Ram, because they are spiritual and conscious, something which is anchored in the Ram.

Just as the four Beings on the Steps of the Throne are the pillars and powerful Guardians in the Divine, naturally outside of the Un-substantiate Godhead Himself, so the four Primordial Beings of the first ring around Parsifal in the Primordial Spiritual Sphere, in Primordial Creation, are the pillars and powerful Guardians whose co-operation brings about a perfect combination and radiates all the requirements of Creation.

The animation of these rays comes from the Light-Core of Parsifal, from Whose Radiation they were able to form as the first necessary basic pillars, which at the same time are the most powerful Guardians of the Sanctum.

It is not easy to explain to you something which is so great and mobile, to form it into stationary pictures for you, whereas the reality is not stationary, but remains in a continual flowing movement, in a movement of receiving, of radiating further, of withdrawing and again leading back to Parsifal.

All this simultaneously without interruption!

This alone you will never be able to picture to yourselves!

Therefore within these four first Primordial Beings all the powers of creating streaming out of Parsifal are gathered, connected and strengthened through the same species of radiation as those of the four Animals, are maintained in a pushing or pressing away movement by the Living Light within Parsifal, and guided by the volition of the Primordial Beings which arises out of their species.

Perhaps you are able in this way to imagine a happening which comes closest to the Truth expressed in earthly words!

Keep this thoroughly in mind first of all and hammer it into yourselves, in the same way as I formed it into earthly words!

Do not perchance jump about again in your thoughts and do not ask yourselves where is then the feminine, which according to my earlier lectures is always supposed to stand half a step higher!

Also do not ponder as to where Maria is and Irmingard, Who certainly cannot stand deeper than the Primordial Beings!

Here, too, there is no gap, but it all accords precisely!

To begin with the four named Primordial Beings are the main pillars of the structure of Creation, and from these it then goes downwards or into greater distances according to the explanations of Creation which I have already given; for these four bear all the powers of creating combined within themselves, whereas all the others are helpers!

Here, too, I first indicate again only the straight line downwards which leads to the developed human spirits and I leave all the branch lines untouched and unnamed, as for example Loherangrin, because he is not the starting-point of a radiation which has an incisive effect for the forming in Creation.

I shall come to it later on.

First of all I give the points of support in the structure of Creation!

Maria does not enter into all this at all, nor does Irmingard.

Coming from above, They are, it is true, anchored into the Creations, but not firmly connected with them.

Therein lies a great difference again.

Despite the anchorages They are not tied to them, but completely free from them and their currents.

The currents of Creation can approach Them through these anchorages, so that they become clearly recognizable, but they can never penetrate into Them, because the necessary connection for this is lacking.

Maria and Irmingard are active, but without the possibility of anything reacting upon Them!

They work in a helping and uplifting way, strengthening, purifying, healing or also repelling, but in Their Radiations They do not connect Themselves with the Creation.

Heed this well!

Maria did come into holy union as a Part of the Love of God, which is Jesus, and as a Part of Immanuel.

She has nothing to do with womanhood as such, but as the Love of God She faces the whole of mankind!

The womanhood of Creation as such has only to do with Irmingard.

And She descended to the Grail Castle into Primordial Creation, out of the Divine Plane, and there merely stepped into a Primordial Spiritual vessel which had already been prepared for Her.

Quite aside from the fact that through an Act of God’s Will a spark of Un-substantiality was sunk into Her, so that Immanuel can now work in the whole of Creation as a Triad!

The Triad of Immanuel in Creation is:

Parsifal – Maria – Irmingard, thus Justice, Love and Purity!

Therefore in the last, most sacred fulfilment Immanuel now works in Creation simultaneously in Parsifal, Maria and Irmingard.

This is a fresh Act of Love which God fulfilled for the aid and stronger protection of that humanity which will surmount the Judgment, so that Creation then cannot again suffer harm through the weakness of the human spirits.

Therefore do not confuse yourselves with unnecessary thinking!

I am at present speaking only of the Primordial Creation out of Parsifal.

Neither Maria nor Irmingard are part of this, but They work there in Their species.

After the four Primordial Pillars there is a second ring, which is somewhat further distant, let us say half a step further away in earthly thinking.

This second arc or plane is filled with the activity of the three female Primordial Beings:

Johanna, Cella, Josepha.

Now you must not picture this to yourselves as if these Primordial Beings simply stand there in an arc, but according to their special species they work in big gardens or planes which arise around them and from out of them, with many helping entities and inhabitants of Primordial Creation, who swing and work around each of these leading female and male Primordial Beings in their like species.

Thus in the retinue of each of the four first Primordial Beings there is a great number of knights, while a great number of female beings cooperate with the female Primordial Beings.

But we must not dwell on this for the moment, otherwise the picture I want to give you will dissolve into distances which you can no longer grasp or survey.

Today I merely wish briefly to indicate the manner in which the activity through the radiation of the three female Primordial Beings swings as it penetrates the whole of Creation.

Each one has a special activity, and yet the entire activity of these three so gears into the activity of each other that it can appear almost as one.

One can hardly recognize any boundary in this.

Their activity is purely womanly, of which they are the ideal embodiments.

First Johanna:

Her activity cannot be put into definite words, because the conception would then be immediately diminished.

For this reason I only want to state briefly that it concerns the home.

To fashion it as “homely”, attractive, harmonious!

However, the home considered in the broad sense, not perchance merely as a small residence of earthmen!

True, men’s earthly home is also included, for this activity takes effect in great things as well as in small, indeed down to the most minute!

But here it is a question of the matter itself not merely of a small form thereof!

For instance, it also embraces the intuitive sensing of a joyful connection with one’s native soil, which can set whole nations ablaze with the most genuine enthusiasm if an enemy seeks to damage it in a covetous way.

I could quote a thousand different things, but despite this you would never recognize therein the true greatness which lies in the activity of Johanna, who also tries to impress it upon each human spirit as a holy legacy which can uplift it to great heights and give it firm support.

And this legacy is given above all to womanhood, and for this reason the fate of an entire nation often rests within them.

Cella’s activity is of no less a delicate nature!

With care she plants into the spiritual the serene respect for developing motherhood!

With all the inviolability and sublimity inherent therein!

In the noblest way and with the respectful reserve which comes to the fore in such proximity with all who are still pure in spirit!

Josepha lays the foundation for that purpose, to care for the cloaks, i.e., the bodies, as property entrusted by the Grace of God, and to treat them accordingly.

Naturally not only the earthly bodies, but all the cloaks in Creation, which in the first place are always and only given as a support for the development of the spiritual or animistic core, and which as such must always be considered in purity!

Diseased cloaks also contribute to the development of that core which would perhaps not come so quickly to awakening if the cloak was healthy.

Josepha’s activity is of the same value as that of the others, and also of the same importance on the paths of all the wanderings through Creation.

These are fundamental conditions for a normal, God-Willed maturing of all the creatures in the Creations.

They penetrate everything as if with the finest threads and manifest in their effects in quite different forms, because they remain mobile, reposing unuttered and unformed in the spirit.

All this urges and drives, but only in the intuitive perception can it be understood aright and brought to beneficial realization.

When the capacity to perceive intuitively is buried through the domination of the intellect, then a gulf is torn between all the Weaving Ones serving the Will of God in Primordial Creation, and with this the disturbance in the necessary swinging of Creation is also forcibly brought about.

The radiating activities of the three Primordial Beings Johanna, Cella and Josepha comprise one great, combined, fundamental working, gearing into each other and yet remaining separate.

Now let us once again proceed half a step further which, of course, really signifies distances that appear hardly conceivable to you.

There again we find a female Primordial Being:


She is the protecting gatekeeper at the exit of the uppermost and purest part in Primordial Creation, on the summit of which there radiantly arises the glorious Castle of the Holy Grail in sublimity and peace!

With Vasitha and her surroundings the uppermost part of the Primordial Creation comes to a close.

She stands at the gate and directs all that is spiritual (which must move onwards as a necessity for their own development) towards the way out to the bridge which, like an immense rainbow, spans deep chasms to those regions which needed a further cooling-off and greater distance from the Light of God to enable them to become conscious for their own existence, to form themselves and unfold to full blossom therein.

High stands Vasitha there, pointing with her spear, while her keen gaze scrutinizes and penetrates everything which is unable to remain in the first part of Primordial Creation and which must then pass before her!

Her words of direction give strength to all and a faithful accompaniment!

So they move out, those who are able to form themselves as Created Ones, together with those who still remain lying in the last precipitation, and who must first wander along the path of slow development in order to become conscious of their existence.

They move out into great remote distances with the longing for the Light of God. —

In conclusion, make a short survey for yourselves again of what has been said:

The path of the Radiations of God for Creation, and thus naturally also for all mankind, goes through the Square of the four Animals on the Steps of the Throne, hitherto only known to you by name.

The four first Primordial Beings of Creation carry within themselves these radiations of the Animals, thus they form the Square in the Primordial Spiritual for the circling of Creation.

The circle of Creation is then driven and kept in constant movement by the Power of the Light, which works in a living manner out of the Un-substantiate Core of Parsifal.

Let this basic picture be firmly anchored within you, so that I can now broaden out, adding one picture after another in order to extend your knowledge without your gaze becoming confused!

You will succeed if you wish to!

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